Qcc Artist Directory

Diane DeFremery

About the Art

I started recently making seaweed dolls and watercolor weavings (collage). I am inspired by the patterns in nature, such as the patterns on a piece of bark. I have recently been doing a “quarantine series” of watercolors and working on wood with fabric dyes.

After a trip to Mendocino CA, where I saw pieces of seaweed wrapped around rocks, I decided to make a series called “Rapt Rocks.” Recently I had the pleasure of taking the clay class offered by the Questa Creative Council. I enjoyed making bowls and beads and animal sculptures. It kept my creative juices flowing throughout the winter months.


I graduated from San Jose State University in 1981 with a degree in Creative Arts. I took many different art classes, including a Movement Workshop, Music in World Cultures class, weaving, printing on fabric, photo transfer onto cloth, watercolor, ceramics, photography, Folk Dance, papermaking, and art history.


Diane deFremery
PO Box 587
Questa NM 87556

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