Teresa Gostanza

Mystical Transformative Imagery


About the Art

“I remember as a young artist seeing Dali’s ‘The Persistence of Time’, melting clocks and re-imagined objects. This was a monumental shift for me. I thought this is it. I am not here to paint the conventional, but to go beyond the analytical and into the subconscious. I knew then that I am a surrealist”, says Gostanza.

Tapping into the energy fields of a multi universe, she paints windows into a world that exists or might not, imagery that opens our minds. Her strength as a storyteller is the command she has to remember and to paint her dreams. She is an original and offers a feminine element to the questions we are becoming aware of asking. Questions like, what is true reality?

In the lineage of Salvador Dali and Giorgio de Chirico, Gostanza’s work expresses the dream, the world unseen by the conditioned mind. Works like the ‘Unweaving of Time and Space’ are both ancient and futuristic, a parallel she is very familiar with. What sets her apart from the grandfathers of surrealism is her optimism and a sense of understanding the evolutionary period mankind is going through. “When I paint I receive codes and direction. It’s as if I am called to make tangible a message beyond my own understanding,” says Gostanza.


A Spanish surrealist, Teresa Gostanza’s work is both mesmerizing and mysterious. She was born in Eberbach Germany, raised in Australia and later her family returned to their homeland of Madrid, Spain. As a child of an anarchist father, she was introduced to the horrors of the world at an early age. “My father was very active in political injustices and the family was immersed in voices of reform,” she reports.

Teresa was drawn to art as a child and received her first set of oil paints from her parents when she was twelve. She studied art at the Swinburne tech for arts and rmit in Melbourne, Australia. She has exhibited in Italy, San Francisco, Manhattan, Denver, and now multiple sites in New Mexico. In 2020, Teresa visited Questa, and shortly returned as a permanent resident. Teresa is a hypnotherapist, Reiki teacher and healer.


Teresa Gostanza
HC 81, Box 6030,
Questa NM 87556

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