Judy Archuleta

Judy works to record God’s creation with her talents, and to bless those who view and display her art.


About the Art

Judy works in the studio, and mainly from landscape photos she takes herself. Sunsets are what she is known for, and what capture her imagination in their ever unique beauty.

Often, she will add to a painting from memories of a time before the facts of its evolution made the memories inaccurate, or she will add a detail from another time to fill a void in the balance of a scene. She does not work fast, but prefers to sit with a work over several days and feel the direction its elements want to take.

Her work is still done sporadically, as family obligations allow for time to herself, though in her maturity, she has come into her own and is painting the work she always dreamed of doing. Judy is always encouraged by the many seasons life brings and by the support of her faith. She works to record God’s creation with her talents, and to bless those who view and display her art.


Judy was born and raised in Cerro, New Mexico. She was artistic even as a child, submitting sketches to newspaper contests when as young as 8, even attracting the attention of art schools, though there was no budget for this luxury in her hard-working family.

She lived in Texas briefly as a young adult, then returned to New Mexico to build a house and business in Taos in the 1970s. Pastels became her medium, since supplies for this kind of artmaking was less expensive and did not risk losing materials due to lack of use, as she juggled her time in raising three daughters.

The pastel drawings she posted at her business caught the eye of famous Taos pastel artist Ouray Meyers, who invited her to attend one of his private classes at which she learned many techniques to better her growing skills.

Judy returned to Cerro 20 years ago to tend aging family and grandchildren. As time allowed, she turned to painting more frequently, working in oils and acrylics, capturing landscapes from the dramatic scenery of northern New Mexico, and for a time successfully marketing postcards of the area.


Judy Archuleta
PO Box 23
Cerro NM 87519

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